Have you ever considered what safety devices equip our Pick & Carry Electric Cranes to ensure an uncompromising level of reliability and protection?

LMI (Load Moment Indicator)

The LMI system represents the heart of our commitment to safety. Appropriate warning signs are in place to prevent hazards: The LMI comes into operation when the machine starts, taking advantage of a calculation algorithm that combines data from the angle-wire sensor on the boom and measurements from pressure transducers on the lifting cylinder. This makes it possible to calculate the load lifted and, if necessary, to stop the machine to maintain a safe environment.

This LMI system was specially designed by our R&D Department to consider every possible machine configuration, offering maximum safety and performance.

Appropriate warning signs are in place to prevent hazards:

  • Signal Lights: a red, yellow and green traffic light provides clear visual indication to the operator when maneuvering.
  • Acoustic Signal: an audible signal emitted by a buzzer alerts the operator in the event of a blockage.
Segnalatori luminosi di sicurezza

Pressure Transducer

The pressure transducer is a key component of our safety system. Mounted on the lifting cylinder, it accurately senses pressure. This data is essential to the precise operation of the LMI system, helping to determine the load lifted and ensuring that the machine operates within safety parameters.

Blue Spot

A state-of-the-art safety device, the Blue Spot, is available as an option for our JMG Pick & Carry Electric Cranes. 

It performs a double function:

  • Movement marker: projecting a blue light, alerts nearby operators to the presence of the moving machine.
  • Bright Track: Provides a visual indication of the crane footprint relative to the maneuvering space.


To further enhance safety during maneuvering, each crane can be equipped with cameras. This additional safety tool provides an additional view to ensure flawless management of operations.

Safety is a top priority in every aspect of our design and production. We leave nothing to chance when it comes to protecting people and operations.

Inaugurazione nuova sede jmg

It is with great pleasure that JMG Cranes officially invites you to the inauguration of the new production facility in
Sarmato (PC), via Zuccherificio,2.
Saturday, May 25, 2024 starting at 3:00 p.m.
Details of the day will be broadcast as soon as possible!
We look forward to seeing you!!!

For information and participation, fill out the form

New JMG - MC50000TE

È stata sicuramente una delle novità di GIS 2023: stiamo parlando della nuova JMG - MC50000TE, diretta evoluzione della JMG - MC50000RE che, neanche a farlo apposta (o forse sì) era stata presentata ufficialmente a GIS 2021. Diretta evoluzione perché stiamo parlando, semplificando un po' della versione cingolata di quest'ultima. A livello di parte aerea, infatti la JMG - MC50000TE adotta una gru a rotazione idraulica del braccio a 360° continui e illimitati, con un braccio articolato a 7 sfili sequenziali, capace di una portata massima di 50.000 kg/m. Gli stabilizzatori sono 4, trasversali alla macchina, anche loro a doppio sfilo longitudinale, indipendenti e ripiegabili per il trasporto per restare nell'ingombro macchina (richiusa la JMG - MC50000TE è alta meno di 2.900 mm). Alimentazione, of course, elettrica, anche se in questo caso stiamo già parlando di batterie al litio con BMS che offrono la possibilità di lavorare anche connessi a una rete elettrica 380 in caso di macchina stabilizzata: così facendo la macchina opera sempre alla massima potenza e, al contempo, ricarica le batterie.


But what really sets the JMG - MC50000TE apart is the fact that it is the first tracked machine produced by the Piacenza-based Manufacturer, using a fully electrically powered tracked carriage driven by two independent brushless motors, one per track, controlled by two separate joysticks on the radio control, allowing its complete rotation on the central vertical axis. The design challenge faced by the JMG R&D team led by Matteo Montagna, was therefore to develop a tracked undercarriage with the same dimensions as the similar model on wheels, working with the supplier of the tracked undercarriage to ensure its compatibility with the machine body... of a pick&carry. Another challenge was the dimensioning of the stabilisers, comprised of double-extension beams.

The result is a machine even lighter than the JMG - MC50000RE, also because the

JMG - MC50000TE is without a ballast, which isn't needed since the support base delimited by the tracks is wider than its wheeled counterpart, and the boom mast is centred with respect to the frame and very low. This also allows a uniform 360° load chart around the entire machine, controlled by a stabilisation system with automatic load moment limiter.

cingoli copertina corpo scaled
Maximum lifting capacity 50.000 kg/m
Maximum lifting height 29 m (con JIB)
Sbraccio massimo orizzontale26 m (con JIB)
Maximum boom tilt angle+85°
Full rotation time 70 secondi
Alimentazione due pacchi batterie agli ioni di litio96 V – 1.120 Ah
Autonomy8 hours
Cingoli n. 2 motori elettrici20 kW – 96 V AC
Hydraulic system powered by electric motor –35 kW – 96 V AC
Total weight20.000 kg
Dimensioni d’ingombro:5080mmx2004mmx2868mm

A new partnership for JMG

JMG builds quality machines. And it builds them so well that demand has soared. An aspect, which, in the case of companies that add value to their products through business processes that place people at the centre, sooner or later must be addressed. And this is exactly what’s happened at JMG. Far from being a problem, this situation must be dealt with and exploited as a valuable opportunity to consolidate and enhance its market positioning. It is precisely with this in mind that the Sarmato-based Manufacturer recently entered into a new partnership with Intralog - Toyota Material Handling.

Intralog network of twenty Toyota MH network dealer companies

Intralog is a network of twenty Toyota MH dealers that provide widespread coverage of the national territory, who collaborate with the aim of selecting the best OEMs to guarantee high quality and rapid intervention in relation to all issues concerning a series of products offered to their clients. The areas covered range from logistics (forklifts, naturally, but also MEWPs, order pickers and other professional machinery for mechanised movements) to other strictly related industries, such as workplace safety (with an offering of structures and elements for storage area protection, including barriers and protection for scaffolding), packaging (with a complete range of packaging machinery and systems such as wrapping and strapping machines), and even cleaning (with a complete range of industrial cleaning machines, including sweepers, floor scrubbers and high-pressure cleaners). Targeting predominantly logistics companies, Intralog has decided to expand its offering of solutions and machinery to include JMG pick&carry cranes, designed to allow heavy industrial handling even in confined areas and spaces. “After the first meeting last 14 September, when the newborn partnership was defined and celebrated,” explains Tommaso Frugoni, junior sales specialist at JMG and contact person for the partnership with Intralog, “in late November we organised the first operation and maintenance course for our pick&carry cranes for the first group of Intralog dealers, allowing them to offer an all-round service for both the sale and servicing of our machines. In early 2024, we will hold a similar course for the remaining dealers in order that all members have the tools to effectively manage and provide assistance for our pick&carry cranes sold to industrial and logistics clients.” The category of machines that Intralog clients are most interested in are medium-low capacity pick&carry cranes, ultra-compact, technological gems for which demand has literally soared in the industrial sector (for the handling of production systems or parts thereof, dies and other elements that cannot be handled using a normal forklift). “With Giorgia Salcerini, CEO of Intralog, and Marco Ungari, Chairman, there was an immediate understanding and the collaboration was not only straightforward but also effective and productive. They truly grasped the business opportunities arising from the possibility to sell and service our pick&carry cranes, and instantly understood their potential,” concluded Frugoni, who intends to transform the partnership with Intralog into a long-term project to develop a network of national distributors, aiming to grow and strengthen the pick&carry market in general, and JMG’s positioning therein.

The MC100.08 is a pick&carry that promises to revolutionise this category of machines, introducing a concept whose full potential is only now being exploited: modularity. The MC100.08 offers three machines in one thanks to the possibility to mount three different detachable booms at will. And, of course, they are designed to be easily transported with the machine and replaced directly on site.

The starting point...

The frame of the new MC100.08 is the extendable type, similar to that of other JMC pick&carry models, with rear steering and ballast and the battery compartment at the front. The top of the frame hosts a special cradle with the lifting cylinder and a base arm that serves as a coupling for the three different booms, without which the machine can move but not lift.

...and the 3 fantastic booms

We’ve already written it, but we’ll say it again: the MC100.08 is available with three different booms and the client can choose whether to purchase all three, or just two. Let's take a closer look, starting from the short boom, with only one hydraulic extension and supplied with forks, with a 14 t vertical lifting capacity at 5 m thanks to a centre of gravity positioned at 600 mm. This boom is ideal for typical forklift works, that is, extremely vertical. If, instead of the forks, a small hook is mounted, the machine can perform crane-like lifting operations. The intermediate boom has three hydraulic elements with proportional extension, with tilting head that can mount all JMG attachments, including the fork supplied with the short boom. With this boom, the machine’s centre of gravity shifts to 800 mm and the MC100.08 can lift up to 10 t. Last but not least, the long boom: this is the longest of the three with two hydraulic extensions and the same tilting head as the intermediate boom. The lifting capacity is the same too (10 t) as is the possibility to mount all the attachments. What makes this boom different to the previous one is the longer extension. The possibility to mount any of the three booms according to need, means the MC100.08 can be used as a crane (10 t capacity) or forklift (14 t vertical). But how does the interchangeability work? Simply slew the cradle arm to connect the boom you want to work with. Once this is done, the safety locks automatically click in and you can start working. The machine is equipped with all the safety functions of JMG cranes and has been enhanced with special software to automatically recognise the boom type (by means of electric and hydraulic connectors), and to enable all the possible attachments. According to Matteo Montagno, R&D Manager at JMG, “the hardest part was definitely finding a way to create a modular machine structure while keeping the weight down. Moreover, the modularity had to meet standardisation criteria with other JMG models, allowing MC100.08 to use the same attachments and accessories.”

In conclusion The MC100.08 is smaller than the closed MC100S, but has similar capacities to those of the MC130S. Compact, agile, powerful and versatile. What more could you want?

Nuova Eccellenza in JMG

La nuova JMG-MC210 è una new entry nella gamma di pick&carry radiocomandate di JMG destinata a diventare un modello best seller per molti motivi. Innanzitutto, per la posizione intermedia di gamma che va a ricoprire, facilmente adattabile alle missioni più svariate grazie a un rapporto peso/ingombri/prestazioni di notevole interesse. Poi, per le caratteristiche legate alle sue prestazioni: con una capacità di sollevamento di 21.000 kg, la JMG- MC210 si basa su un telaio a passo fisso e adotta tutte le tecnologie che sono state implementate negli ultimi mesi sugli altri nuovi modelli presentati, quali il nuovo sistema di sterzatura con doppio assale e i 4 punti di appoggio. La zavorra a sbalzo trova posto posteriormente: completamente removibile, per permettere di ridurre pesi e dimensioni, non è di tipo autocaricante. Gli stabilizzatori riprendono la logica della JMG- MC650S presentata a Bauma 2022, ripiegati sul fianco della macchina, si aprono velocemente e con facilità per garantire buona stabilità e maggiore portata verso l'alto. La testa è di tipo basculante idraulicamente.

Generazione Litio

Se a livello di prestazioni e caratteristiche siamo di fronte a una pick&carry JMG di media gamma, che riunisce tutti i vantaggi delle ultime generazioni di macchine sviluppate dal Costruttore di Sarmato, quello che forse è la vera innovazione che porta la JMG- MC210 è la possibilità di essere equipaggiata non solo con batterie al piombo, ma con più moderne e prestazionali batterie al litio. Quest'ultima versione è nata dalla richiesta di Zavattini Autogru, e del suo titolare Gabriele Zavattini, di poter disporre di una pick&carry JMG di prestazioni intermedie di gamma alimentata con batterie al litio. Perché una tale richiesta? In poche parole, per i molti vantaggi che il montare batterie al litio comporta. A partire dalla velocità di ricarica: il pacco batterie della JMG-MC210 scelto da JMG si ricarica del 60% in solo due ore, ma la cosa forse ancora più interessante è che è possibile iniziare il ciclo di ricarica qualunque sia la percentuale della batteria: 30-40-50-60%, non importa, quello che importa è la possibilità che offre tale caratteristica, ossia sfruttare tutti i tempi morti del cantiere per ricaricare.

Altro vantaggio sta nel fatto che per ricaricare una batteria al litio serve meno energia rispetto a una equivalente batteria al piombo. Detto in soldoni, si consuma meno energia elettrica, e si può contare su una gru più performante in termini di spunti di energia quando necessari. Last but not least, la sicurezza è un aspetto altrettanto importante. In molti pensano al litio come possibile fonte di esplosioni: magari era così con le primissime batterie prodotte anni fa, ma oggi le cose sono molto diverse. Le batterie montate sulla JMG- MC210 sono completamente chiuse in un involucro ermetico, il battery pack, che non necessita di alcun tipo di manutenzione da parte dell'operatore e assicura la totale assenza di emissioni durante i cicli di carica e scarica. Inoltre, una rete di sensori monitora costantemente i diversi parametri della batteria in modo tale da mettere in sicurezza la gru in caso di anomalia.

JMG Cranes s.p.a.

JMG Cranes designs and manufactures battery-powered electric self-propelled cranes from 0.9 to 70 tons that find application in a wide range of industries.


Registered Office:
Via Dante, 15 26100 CREMONA (CR)

Commercial Headquarters - Service & Spare Parts - Customer Administration
Via Bergamo, 142 - 26100 CREMONA (CR)

Production Headquarters
Via Zuccherificio, 3 29010 - SARMATO (PC)

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