Lifter cranes: from the warehouse to the workshop to the worksite

I Lifters lift in places where normal pick&carry cranes can’t reach and can be extremely useful both in warehousing operations and to support pick&carry cranes.

What type of machines are they?

I modelli della gamma Lifter sono attrezzature appositamente studiate per eseguire operazioni di sollevamento che altre macchine da sollevamento non riescono a fare, perché lo spazio a disposizione è davvero angusto, o perché si tratta di sollevamenti di bassa portata o di merci, più che di impianti e macchinari, da posizionare velocemente e con precisione su scaffali o simili, mission per le quali le altre macchine non sono adatte.


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These are extremely compact cranes that are easy to manoeuvre; they can also be fully dismantled, so they are easy to transport.

Lifter cranes are ideal for use in industries such as logistics and warehousing, industrial maintenance and handling, construction, infrastructure, building, renovation, maintenance and installation of glazed surfaces.

The Lifter range includes the Greenlifter and the MC750TC, with capacities ranging from 750 kg in the MC750TC to 900 kg in the Greenlifter. The Greenlifter can lift up to 400 kg at a certain height and distance, while the MC750TC is a hand pallet truck with a large free lift mast and a three-element crane boom.

Lifter models are particularly suitable for low capacity lifting operations or for the precise positioning of goods, for example in logistics warehouses or workshops. The Greenlifter is a versatile and precise crane, while the MC750TC is ideal for storage operations and for pick&carry support.

Both models mainly operate with a hook, stressing their specialisation in precise and targeted lifting operations, as well as the use of the radio remote control.

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JMG Cranes s.p.a.

JMG Cranes designs and manufactures battery-powered electric self-propelled cranes from 0.9 to 70 tons that find application in a wide range of industries.


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