Book a Call with our team JMG Cranes

You need personalized assistance or wishes to speak directly with our technical or sales team? Book a call so you can prepare your session as well as possible We are here to offer you professional advice and dedicated support.

Fill out the form below to Book a call with one of our specialists. Provide details regarding the topic you wish to address so that we can best prepare the session for you.

Your satisfaction is our priority.

We look forward to talking with you and offering the support you need.

Contact us

Contact us for any information pertaining to JMG cranes

Commercial Headquarters - Service & Spare Parts - Customer Administration

Via Bergamo, 142
26100 CREMONA (CR)

Production Headquarters

Via Zuccherificio, 3
29010 SARMATO (PC)

Registered Office:

Via Dante, 15
26100 CREMONA (CR)

Book a consultation

JMG Cranes s.p.a.

JMG Cranes designs and manufactures battery-powered electric self-propelled cranes from 0.9 to 70 tons that find application in a wide range of industries.


Registered Office:
Via Dante, 15 26100 CREMONA (CR)

Commercial Headquarters - Service & Spare Parts - Customer Administration
Via Bergamo, 142 - 26100 CREMONA (CR)

Production Headquarters
Via Zuccherificio, 3 29010 - SARMATO (PC)

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