Italy in focus

A new partnership for JMG

JMG builds quality machines. And it builds them so well that demand has soared. An aspect, which, in the case of companies that add value to their products through business processes that place people at the centre, sooner or later must be addressed. And this is exactly what’s happened at JMG. Far from being a problem, this situation must be dealt with and exploited as a valuable opportunity to consolidate and enhance its market positioning. It is precisely with this in mind that the Sarmato-based Manufacturer recently entered into a new partnership with Intralog - Toyota Material Handling.

Intralog network of twenty Toyota MH network dealer companies

Intralog is a network of twenty Toyota MH dealers that provide widespread coverage of the national territory, who collaborate with the aim of selecting the best OEMs to guarantee high quality and rapid intervention in relation to all issues concerning a series of products offered to their clients. The areas covered range from logistics (forklifts, naturally, but also MEWPs, order pickers and other professional machinery for mechanised movements) to other strictly related industries, such as workplace safety (with an offering of structures and elements for storage area protection, including barriers and protection for scaffolding), packaging (with a complete range of packaging machinery and systems such as wrapping and strapping machines), and even cleaning (with a complete range of industrial cleaning machines, including sweepers, floor scrubbers and high-pressure cleaners). Targeting predominantly logistics companies, Intralog has decided to expand its offering of solutions and machinery to include JMG pick&carry cranes, designed to allow heavy industrial handling even in confined areas and spaces. “After the first meeting last 14 September, when the newborn partnership was defined and celebrated,” explains Tommaso Frugoni, junior sales specialist at JMG and contact person for the partnership with Intralog, “in late November we organised the first operation and maintenance course for our pick&carry cranes for the first group of Intralog dealers, allowing them to offer an all-round service for both the sale and servicing of our machines. In early 2024, we will hold a similar course for the remaining dealers in order that all members have the tools to effectively manage and provide assistance for our pick&carry cranes sold to industrial and logistics clients.” The category of machines that Intralog clients are most interested in are medium-low capacity pick&carry cranes, ultra-compact, technological gems for which demand has literally soared in the industrial sector (for the handling of production systems or parts thereof, dies and other elements that cannot be handled using a normal forklift). “With Giorgia Salcerini, CEO of Intralog, and Marco Ungari, Chairman, there was an immediate understanding and the collaboration was not only straightforward but also effective and productive. They truly grasped the business opportunities arising from the possibility to sell and service our pick&carry cranes, and instantly understood their potential,” concluded Frugoni, who intends to transform the partnership with Intralog into a long-term project to develop a network of national distributors, aiming to grow and strengthen the pick&carry market in general, and JMG’s positioning therein.

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JMG Cranes s.p.a.

JMG Cranes designs and manufactures battery-powered electric self-propelled cranes from 0.9 to 70 tons that find application in a wide range of industries.


Registered Office:
Via Dante, 15 26100 CREMONA (CR)

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Via Bergamo, 142 - 26100 CREMONA (CR)

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